Channel Modes

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Channel Modes

Sets various modes for the channel. You must be an operator in the channel to issue these commands; some commands are reserved for server operators.

Usage: MODE <channel> +|-<modes> [<params>] Examples:

  • /mode #lobby +v Berat
  • /mode #lobby +b *!*@5sr.guj.182.78.IP
Mode Name Character Parameter Syntax Usable By Description
Voice v <nick> Channel operators Gives voice to <nickname>, allowing them to speak while the channel is +m.
Op o <nick> Channel operators Gives op status to <nickname>.
Ban b <mask> Channel operators Bans users matching <mask> from joining the channel.
Banexception e <mask> Channel operators Exempts users matching <mask> from channel mode b (ban).
Invex I <mask> Channel operators Exempts users matching <mask> from channel mode i (inviteonly).
Blockcolor c None Channel operators Enables blocking messages that contain IRC formatting codes.
Delaymsg d <seconds> Channel operators Prevents newly joined users from speaking until <seconds> seconds have passed.
Flood f (*)<lines>:<seconds> Channel operators Kicks users who send more than <lines> messages in the last <seconds> seconds. If prefixed with * then offending users are also banned.
Filter g <glob> Channel operators Prevents users from sending messages that match <glob>.
Inviteonly i None Channel operators Prevents users from joining the channel without an invite.
Joinflood j <joins>:<seconds> Channel operators Prevents more than <joins> joins in the last <seconds> seconds.
Key k <key> Channel operators Prevents users from joining the channel who have not specified the <key> password.
Limit l <count> Channel operators Allows no more than <count> users to join the channel.
Moderated m None Channel operators Prevents users without a prefix rank from messaging the channel.
Noextmsg n None Channel operators Prevents users who are not in the channel from messaging the channel.
Private p None Channel operators Hides the channel in /WHOIS from people who are not a member. You probably want channel mode s (secret) rather than this.
Secret s None Channel operators Hides the channel in /WHOIS and /LIST from people who are not a member.
Topiclock t None Channel operators Prevents non-channel operators from changing the channel topic.
Auditorium u None Channel operators Makes the channel an auditorium; normal users only see themselves or themselves and the operators, while operators see all the users.
Autoop w <status>:<mask> Channel operators Grants the <status> rank to users matching <mask> on join. For example, +w o:R:shayne will op anyone identified to the account 'shayne' on join.
SSLonly z None Channel operators Prevents users who are not connected using TLS (SSL) from joining the channel.
Allowinvite A None Channel operators Allows anyone to invite users to the channel (normally only chanops can invite).
Blockcaps B None Channel operators Enables blocking excessively capitalized messages.
Noctcp C None Channel operators Enables blocking channel messages that contain CTCPs.
Delayjoin D None Channel operators Prevents users from receiving JOIN messages until the joining user speaks.
Repeat E *]<lines>:<sec>[:<difference>][:<backlog>] Channel operators Configures the messages that should be considered a repeat. If prefixed with ~ the messages are blocked. If prefixed with * then offending users are banned. If not prefixed then offending users are kicked.
Nickflood F <changes>:<seconds> Channel operators Allows exempted users to change nicknames at a higher rate than channel mode F (nickflood) allows.
Censor G None Channel operators Enables censoring messages sent to the channel.
History H <num>:<duration> Channel operators Displays the last <num> lines of chat to joining users. <duration> is the maximum time to keep lines in the history buffer.
Kicknorejoin J <seconds> Channel operators Prevents those who have been kicked from rejoining until <seconds> seconds have passed.
Noknock K None Channel operators Disables the usage of the /KNOCK command on this channel.
Redirect L <channel> Channel operators Redirects all new users to <channel> when the user limit is reached.
Regmoderated M None Channel operators Prevents users who are not logged into a services account from speaking in the channel.
Nonick N None Channel operators Prevents users from changing their nickname whilst in the channel.
Operonly O None Server operators Prevents non-server operators from joining the channel.
Permanent P None Server operators Prevents the channel from being deleted when the last user leaves.
Nokick Q None Channel operators Prevents privileged users from using the /KICK command.
Reginvite R None Channel operators Prevents users who are not logged into a services account from joining the channel.
Stripcolor S None Channel operators Enables stripping of IRC formatting codes from channel messages.
Nonotice T None Channel operators Enables blocking messages sent with the /NOTICE command.
Blockhighlight V None Channel operators Kills users who highlight more than 10 nicks at once in a channel.
Exemptchanops X <restriction>:<mode> Channel operators Exempts users with the <mode> prefix mode or higher from <restriction>.

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