Additional Channel Founders

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Adding Additional Channel Founders or Hiding the Founder List

If you need to add other channel founders or hide the channel founder list without setting the channel to private, you can add up to four additional founders.

If you require more than five channel founders in total, consider using GroupServ. This allows you to create a group of channel founders instead of assigning individual users.

Creating a Founder Group Using GroupServ

To create a group for channel founders, follow these steps:

1. Create the group

/msg GroupServ REGISTER !MyChannelFounders
  - This registers a group named !MyChannelFounders.  
  - You will automatically be set as the group's founder.

2. Add additional users to the group

/msg GroupServ FLAGS !MyChannelFounders Nickname +Amc
  - Replace Nickname with the username of the person you want to add.  
  - The `+Amc` flags grant them channel founder access, but they cannot modify the group itself (i.e., they cannot add or remove other users from the group).  
  - However, they can add other users to the channel's access list.

Full Flags Access Here are the available flags for GroupServ:

  • +f: Allows modification of the group access list.
  • +F: Grants full founder access.
  • +A: Allows viewing of the group access list.
  • +m: Grants the ability to read memos sent to the group.
  • +c: Grants channel access in channels where the group has sufficient privileges.
  • +v: Grants the ability to take vhosts offered to the group through HostServ.
  • +s: Grants the ability to use GroupServ SET commands on the group.
  • +b: Bans a user from the group, preventing them from joining via the JOIN command (groups are set to closed by default).
  • +i: Grants the ability to invite users to the group.

Special permissions:

  • +*: Grants all permissions except +F.
  • -*: Removes all permissions, including +F.

3. Repeat step 2 for each additional founder you want to add.

Assigning the Group as a Channel Founder

Once your group is created, link it to your channel using ChanServ.

1. Grant all channel flags (except founder flags) to the group

/msg ChanServ FLAGS #Channel !MyChannelFounders +*
  - This ensures that all members of the group get full channel access, except founder privileges.

2. Assign founder status to the group

/msg ChanServ FLAGS #Channel !MyChannelFounders +F
  - This makes the group an official channel founder, granting all members of the group full channel access, including founder privileges.

Confirming the Changes

To confirm that the group is now the channel founder, use the following command:

/msg ChanServ INFO #Channel

You should see !MyChannelFounders listed as the channel founder including your own nickname.

If you wish to remain hidden and remove yourself as an individual founder, use:

/msg ChanServ FLAGS #Channel MyNickname -*  

This will remove your personal founder access, but you'll still have control via the !MyChannelFounders group.

Example Usage

Assume you own the channel #ExampleChannel. To create a founder group and add multiple founders, follow these steps:

/msg GroupServ REGISTER !ExampleFounders  
/msg GroupServ FLAGS !ExampleFounders Alice +Amc  
/msg GroupServ FLAGS !ExampleFounders Bob +Amc  
/msg GroupServ FLAGS !ExampleFounders Charlie +Amc  
/msg ChanServ FLAGS #ExampleChannel !ExampleFounders +*  
/msg ChanServ FLAGS #ExampleChannel !ExampleFounders +F  

Now, Alice, Bob, and Charlie will all have founder-level access to #ExampleChannel.

  • They cannot modify the group itself (i.e., they cannot add or remove group members).
  • They can add other users to the channel's access list, including vop, aop, sop, custom flags, adding/removing other channel founders, and managing akicks.

Advantages of Using GroupServ for Founders

  • You can have up to 100 founders instead of just 5.
  • You can manage founders more easily using a single group.
  • It keeps the channel founder list hidden, improving security.
  • You can easily send memos to other group members using:
/msg Memoserv send !ExampleFounders message

Important Advisory

Be cautious when adding multiple channel founders. The more founders you have, the higher the risk of a takeover, as any founder can add new users to the access list and modify channel settings.

However, operators (ops) can be notified of any changes via a notice using the following command:

/msg ChanServ SET #Channel VERBOSE OPS

Only grant founder access to those you completely trust.

Additional Settings

If you'd like to change other settings related to GroupServ or the group you've created, you can access further help by typing the following:

/msg GroupServ HELP SET

This command will provide a list of additional settings and options that you can modify for your group, such as changing group settings, applying restrictions, or adjusting permissions.