Requesting a vhost

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Requesting a vHost

A vHost is a virtual host used to mask your proper IP address or hostname.

HybridIRC offers users free custom vhosts, which are tied to your NickServ account. Your vHost will only be active and visible once you authenticate to your account on IRC.

How to Request a vHost

To apply for a vhost, use the following command:

/msg HostServ REQUEST <your.desired.vhost>


/msg HostServ REQUEST lord.bacon.cheeseburger

Once your application is received, provided your nickname is registered, one of our staff members will review it. You will receive a memo advising you of the approval or denial of your request.

Available VHosts

To view a list of available vhosts, use the command:

/msg HostServ OFFERLIST

To take an offered vHost for use:

/msg HostServ TAKE hybridirc.users.$account

vHost Rules

By signing up for a vhost, you agree to the following rules. Violation of these rules may result in the removal of your vHost privileges. If this happens, you may still use the default vHost provided by HybridIRC: hybridirc.users.$account.

Prohibited VHosts:

  • Vhosts deemed as a threat to the network.
  • Vhosts in poor taste, profane, or offensive.
  • Vhosts containing ".gov" or resolving hosts.
  • Vhosts containing "HybridIRC" or similar.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Vhosts may only be changed once every 30 days.
  • No trademarked names may be used (e.g., "").
  • Vhosts cannot be used to evade channel bans.
  • No offensive, degrading, or abusive vhosts, including those with profanity, racism, or sexism.
  • No staff-related vhosts.
  • Using another person's account or nickname in a vHost is prohibited.
  • Vhosts cannot include a TLD (e.g., .com, .org, .net).
  • No special characters are allowed in a vHost (e.g., _ - () ^ <> {}).
  • A vHost must contain at least one period ('.').
  • HybridIRC reserves the right to deny any vHost for any reason.

How Does It Work?

If you have a vHost set for your nickname, it will automatically activate each time you identify to NickServ.

Need Help?

If you have questions or need assistance: